Wednesday, October 3, 2018

G02 G03: Interpolation Programming with I and J

In previous post we discussed about interpolation with R. To understand this post you have to knowledge about R

In this case R is replace by I and J

Lets see how to program with I and J. first of all you should know about what is I and J. 

The distance between center of arc and start point of arc in X direction is shown by I and The distance between center of arc and start point of arc in Y direction is shown by J. But Its value is positive and also negative, So how to be determined it

In below picture you can understand how to be calculate I and J value.

If direction from start point of arc to the center of Arc is in X axis +VE than 'I' is +VE if -VE than I' is -VE. 

Similarly start point of arc  to the center of Arc is in Y axis +VE than 'J' is +VE if -VE than 'J' is -VE

Lets take an simple example 

Here start point of arc is X60 Y50 and the distance between center of arc and start point of arc in X direction is 40 and in Y direction 30.

  • G01 X60 Y50 F200
  • G03 X41.794 Y65 I-40 J-30
Here both direction are negative so I and J value is Negative.

We still have an entire program of Interpolation in form of I and J

N100 G0 G91 G28 Z0
N102 G90 G54 X0 Y0 M03 S2000
N104 Z5
N106 G01 Z0 F100
N108 Y75
N110 G02 X25 Y100 I25 J0
N112 G01 X50
N114 G02 X100 I25 J-20
N116 G01 X200
N118 G02 X225 Y75 I0 J-25
N120 G01 Y60
N122 G03 X250 Y35 I25 J0
N124 G01 Y10
N126 G02 X240 Y-0 I-10 J0
N128 G01 X0
N130 Z5
N132 G0 G91 G28 Z0
N134 M05
N136 M30
You can view this program by this simulation.