Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Canned Cycle: Drill Program

Life became easier in the cncmachine when the canned cycle come. 

Now the question is What is canned cycle. How to be used it, Why people are using this?

Canned cycle is used when one program runs frequently on different places and  running in a single place, repeatedly being repetitive and running accordingly. It only takes action once. It is also called a fixed cycle.

This makes the program very easy and the complexity is removed. If a program has to be edited then an informed operator can edit it directly in the machine. There are still many benefits of Canon Bicycle, which are a s follows.

Make the program easier, Productivity increases, It's easy to edit. The simple format of Canned Cycle is as follows,


N indicates a Block Number.

The first G indicates that the Canned Cycle starts.

The second G indicates types of canned cycle.

The X and Y indicates X and Y coordinate of features.

R indicates a reference plane of canned cycle where feed of operation in start in Z position.

Q indicates a Depth of Peck in canned cycle

Z indicates height or deep of operation in Z level.

Drill Program

In CNC milling G81 is used for drilling operation.

There are three hole in solid bar. The Upper_Left_Front corner set is reference point.

N100 G0 G91 G28 Z0
N102 G0 G90 G54  X15 Y25 M03 S1000 
N104 Z50
N106 G98 G81 X15 Y25 R5  Z-10 F20
N108 X50 Y40
N110 X60 Y20
N112 G80
N114 G0 G91 G28 Z0
N116 M05
N118 M30

Simulation as Below

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